Your Guide to Understanding THC Concentrate Laws

If you are facing marijuana charges for THC concentrate or marijuana concentrate in Amarillo, Texas, don’t delay in finding an experienced attorney to protect your legal rights. Texas marijuana laws are incredibly strict, and those found to be in possession of marijuana or drug paraphernalia often face unusually harsh consequences.

Texas law gets more confusing when it comes to THC concentrate. Possession of marijuana under 2 ounces is considered a Class B misdemeanor. However, THC concentrates such as marijuana extract, wax, resins, or oils—regardless of the amount—are considered a felony offense.

Cannabis oil, cannabis concentrates, and cannabis extracts have become more popular in recent years. Even though you may have less than two ounces of cannabis concentrates, all marijuana concentrates are charged as felonies. Marijuana possession that includes these forms of THC concentrate, even in edible forms, may have the potential to destroy your future. 

Since marijuana in this form is classed as a Group 2 controlled substance like ecstasy, PCP, and MDMA, you need a criminal defense attorney who can provide expert legal defense for THC-related charges in Texas. Turn to Tisdell Law Firm to help you fight your marijuana charges today.

Judges Hammer On Fresh Leaves Of Marijuana

Penalties for Possession of Marijuana THC Concentrates in Texas

If you are arrested for possession of THC concentrate, you may face the following penalties.

State Jail Felony

A state jail felony is imposed for THC concentrates of less than 1 gram. You could face from six months or up to two years in state jail along with a maximum $10,000 fine.

Third Degree Felony

If you have 1 gram or more but still less than 4 grams, a felony in the third degree will result in two to 10 years in jail along with a $10,000 fine.

Second Degree Felony

A drug possession charge in the second degree for 4 grams or more that is less than 400 grams is a felony possession that will bring the same maximum fine of $10,000 as well as the potential for serving between two and 20 years in jail.

First Degree Felony

If convicted of having this type of controlled substance in an amount over 400 grams, you will face 10 years to a lifetime prison sentence. The fine could be as much as $50,000.

In addition to these penalties for a drug crime involving possession of marijuana concentrates, you will face the loss of your driver’s license. THC concentrate even in the smallest amounts has the potential to destroy your future job prospects or your current career. You will need a skilled attorney who can fight these charges on your behalf to preserve your future.

Why You Need an Attorney for Marijuana Possession or Possession of THC Oils

If you are arrested for having marijuana in your possession, you face a Class B misdemeanor, though for THC oils, you face far greater consequences. A state jail felony punishable by six months to two years in jail as a mandatory minimum sentence is incredibly harsh. The punishment for THC oil is worse than a marijuana charge.

Regardless of your charges, there are defenses that Tisdell Law Firm can use to prevent conviction. For example, if you endured an illegal search, we can protect your rights. The police officer must have reasonable suspicion that you have a controlled substance, and if the substance you had was merely CBD oil, which is legal in Texas, they have no grounds to charge you with marijuana-related offenses.

Additionally, possession of THC can only occur when a person knowingly or intentionally possesses it. If you were unaware that this form of marijuana was in your presence, there is no legal basis for your arrest. Individuals accused of possessing marijuana or THC concentrate in any form should not delay in getting the legal representation they deserve.

If you are facing felony possession charges for this controlled substance, speak to the criminal defense attorneys at Tisdell Law Firm to stand by your side throughout the criminal procedure.

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